Search and replace has been moved to a floating window, live content previewing is now available in a split-screen view, and the editor interface has been streamlined to display certain commands only when needed. You can change the session timeout message displayed by JSPWiki when the timeout occurs by creating a wiki page named SessionExpired. When Tab Completion is enabled, certain keywords typed into the editor will expand into JSPWiki markup when followed by a Tab keystroke. This is a hugely exciting release, packed with great features. Further information on how to work with the new repositories is available here , with general guidance on building JSPWiki from source here. Here's an example of page differences with the default TraditionalDiffProvider enabled: Javascript and CSS files have been modularised for easier maintenance and reduced complexity enabling for example straightfoward creation of custom dynamic styles.
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Search and replace has been moved to a floating window, live content previewing is now available in a split-screen view, and the editor interface has been streamlined jswiki display certain commands only when needed. JSPWiki automatically expands the keyword into the full markup.
Example characters include quotation marks, parentheses, and curly and jspwiii brackets. And if you're currently running a JSPWiki site with the legacy template, consider enabling Haddock for an all-round superior experience see here for more information.
For example, you can embed content from existing wiki links or external webpages in the same way:. For more information For a full list of changes see the ChangeLog file or our issue tracker.
Group: Apache JSPWiki
JSPWiki's Haddock template supports custom fonts for adding visual enhancement to wiki content. Further information on how to work with the new repositories is available herewith general guidance on building JSPWiki from source here.
Haddock takes care of the rest.
You can change the session timeout message displayed by JSPWiki when the timeout occurs by creating a apacbe page named SessionExpired. Apaache Tab Completion examples include the sign keyword which inserts a user's signature and dateand the quote keyword which creates fancy formatting for quoted content. Alternatively, if your wiki has internet access you can remotely load fonts from Google's font repository.
Smart typing pairs, automatic suggestions, and tab completion with snippets hugely accelerate the process of adding wiki content. All General Status Music.
JSPWiki – Wikipedia
With the introduction of JSPWIki's new Haddock template comes a super-easy way to add videos and other media to your wiki pages. This value can be adjusted by adding the following entry to the JSPWiki's web. While our legacy default template has served us well over the years, Haddock is a huge leap forward for JSPWiki's user interface.
For now, check out everything Haddock is capable of here: By default, inactive JSPWiki sessions are logged out after 30 minutes. Easily embed videos and other media with Viewer With the introduction of JSPWIki's new Haddock aoache comes a super-easy way to add videos and other media to your wiki pages.
Maven Repository: i
For comparison here are the same changes with the ContextualDiffProvider enabled:. You can also select existing content and enter the aache opening character, which will automatically wrap the selection in the correct associated closing character.
When Tab Completion is enabled, certain keywords typed into the editor will expand into JSPWiki markup when followed by a Tab keystroke. MathJax is a JavaScript engine for displaying math in web browsers. This saves time when entering content, as one does not have to manually close these characters: Let's look at some of the highlights. You can find more information on JSPWiki's difference providers hereand you can make the setting in your jspwiki-custom.
For more information, including installation and configuration steps, see:. Clicking on the blue highlighted double arrows to the left or right of a change will jump to the previous or next change respectively: For more paache see the Worksheet Plugin page.
To try out Smart Typing Pairs, first enable it in the Haddock editor's settings menu: It's received an enormous number of changes in 2.
When creating for example links with Smart Typing Pairs enabled, you only need to enter the opening square bracket "[" and then paste the desired address: For feedback, help, and developer queries please visit us on the mailing lists.
Now enter a square bracket or double quotation mark, and note that the editor will close the character for you:.
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