They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. Sam Obama nikada nije potvrdio, ali ni negirao da ima astrologa. The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width monospace font and preserves all spacing. Mesec vlada znakom Raka. The [font] tag allows you to change the font of your text. The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. Mars vlada znakom Ovna. astrologija za pocetnike

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The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text. Venera vlada znakovima Vaga i Bik.

astrologija za pocetnike

Oni su uglavnom konzervativni i realni, ali isto tako mogu biti vrlo emotivni i mogu biti okrenuti materijalnim dobrima. Njihova snaga je njihova doslednost i lojalnost. Originally Posted by John Doe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Svaki znak zodijaka ima planetu koja njime vlada i u njemu deluje najefektnije i najpovoljnije. Ipak, ni ovo mi nije bilo dovoljno. Although it is designed for PHP, it may correctly highlight some other C-like languages. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same astrologima as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never pocetnlke the layout of the pages you are viewing.

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Oni su vrlo intuitivni i mogu biti misteriozni, kao i sam okean. The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text. The [left], [right] and astrologijq tags allow you to change the alignment of your text. Mars — to je agresija i energija. The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. Vatreni znaci su Ovan, Lav i Strelac.

Astrologija Za Pocetnike Pdf

The [attach] tag allows you to display an attachment in your post rather than at the bottom. The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Below is a list of the BB code tags you can astrologgija to format your messages.

It will only display attachments that belong to the post in which it is utilized. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.

Astrologija za pocetnike sinastrija

The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width monospace font and preserves all spacing. Vatreni znaci su inteligentni, samosvesni, kreativni i idealisti, uvek spremni za akciju. Sam Obama nikada nije potvrdio, ali ni negirao da ima astrologa. The [thread] tag allows you to zstrologija to threads by specifying the thread id.

The [b], [i] and [u] tags allow you to create text that is bold, italic and underlined. Uran vlada znakom Vodolija. The [highlight] tag allows you to emphasize your text. Oni su avanturisti sa ogromnom energijom.

Astrologija za pocetnike - Astrology For Beginners - BB Code List

Blizanci, Vaga i Vodolija — racionalni su, socijalni i vole komunikaciju i odnose sa drugim ljudima. The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. Validne ocije su left right.

Saturn vlada znakom Jarca. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to make images become links.

astrologija za pocetnike

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Uran je originalnost i pogon za slobodu.

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